Brush with the Creator
Retreat Workshops
An invitation
to come away,
to be,
and to be inspired
by our Creator.
So what is this Retreat & Workshop all about?
The recently published book, BRUSH WITH THE CREATOR explores Gods voice through Heather's artwork and MarDee Kaylock's (National Director of the Christian Artists Factory cafactory.com) words.
Being still and learning to really listen in order to hear the Creator's voice and inspiration is the focus of the retreats/workshops & book.
MarDee and Heather have both over 50 years ministry experience between them.
They have been led to produce the artwork, the text, the retreat program and the workshops
in order to encourage others around Australia to explore and refine the gift of creativity.
They have seen first hand the healing power and grace of God in a diverse range of
communities through engagement with creativity and the arts.
A bit of background
Heather has been a leader of 'Faith and the Arts',
in Tasmania for over 10 years and many other retreats and creative events around Australia over a period of 28 years, including with Christian Indigenous Artists in NT, and churches and communities overseas, seeing hundreds of participants connect with God through creativity. She is a graphic designer and worked as a Missions Media manager for 10 years and is now working as a professional artist, and was a selected finalist in the prestigious Glover Prize in 2013. (see web site for more)
MarDee is a facilitator and mentor for many cutting edge artists including
Tom Gibbs, Safina Fergie and Gabby Willmott. For 9 years she was the director of the Arts program at Blackstump, and is in demand as a workshop leader and speaker at many Christian events across Australia and overseas, including Sounds of the Nations with Roma Waterman, Riverstone National Artists Gathering, Exhale Leadership Conference and Stoneworks International. She has also taught locally and overseas with YWAM, Fusion & Tabor College. We are artists, mums, wives and inspirers of creative communities around Australia. MarDee has recently returned from Bethel, Redding California and is completing a Masters of Theology at the University of Divinity in Melbourne.
What does it look like?
If you wish to explore and refine your gift of creativity. then these two days are for you!
Each Retreat & Workshop weekend will look a little different, but this gives you
a bit of an idea what some of our past events have been like.
Friday Contemplative Retreat includes -
Being inspired by the Creator, space for quietness, stillness & reflection, Exploring a Christ centered creative journey.
Saturday Creativity Workshop includes -
Encouraging creativity in your community, using what you have, Creating using nature to inspire, Changing atmosphere’s, Discovering your place of influence, Prayer and encouragement.
You dont have to come for the whole two days, you can come for either the Friday or Saturday. Saturday is more 'hands on' creative. The Friday is more reflective.
They go hand in hand, but work fine as a 'one dayer' too! ...Your choice!
What does it cost? **
$150 for both days (includes lunch. morning & arvo tea and book) Or $90 for one day
Take time to breathe in and feel the Creators breath in your heart & soul pouring His life into you.
**We have done our best to keep expenses to a minimum in order to make it easier for you to join us. However, if money is a significant hinderence to you (particularly for those traveling interstate) please send us an email. We cannot promise to help but will see what we can do. Likewise, if you'd like to bless a stranger by sponsoring an attendee please email us.
When & where is the next Retreat?
Our next Retreat has not been finalised, but these are some dates and places to keep in mind
If you would like to be on our mailing list please leave a message below.
December - Launceston One day workshop
2015 - Melbourne, Adeliade & Sydney - dates to confirm
How do I find out more and register?
Book online when an event is scheduled at our web site here: www.brushwiththecreator.com
or send your message here: