mentoring you to your full potential - senior classes
Enjoy learning about the art of realist painting, or bring along your own projects.
Heather loves to mentor and help artists achieve what is going to help them in their own creative journey. You can request to be mentored and encouraged, to learn how to start your own website, and have help designing your own promotional material, a book, and or just have a load of fun painting. It's up to you. Heather specialises in finding the right pathway for whoever comes her way, wheather it is oils, acrylics, watercolours, designing or more! She loves to make you feel at home, relaxed and ready to create something that is unique to your heart and passion.
Private classes will be at Kapi Art Space, 1282 Mount Dandenong Tourist Road, Kalorama 3766
Phone Heather on 0447358 006 to arange a time to have your private session with her.
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